The SunnierSides Foundation is a nonprofit, non governmental organisation working to reach and excite the living experiences of the older persons, and as much as possible, deliberately engage them towards enriching the lives of the young.

We reach older persons with all possible care, and reach the young with all possible guidance, fetched from the rich reservoirs of the older persons.

We aim to stimulate new living experiences for the older persons, and in turn harness life-improving virtues for the young and growing persons.

A society with well catered, animated older persons, who enrich the young.

To reach the older persons, with new life and energy, offering sunnier experiences, harvesting richly from their reservoirs, and enriching the qualities of the young and growing persons.

As It Is The way it is

Researchers and population experts project that by 2050, the global population will have more older people, people aged 60 years and above, than there will be younger people, and that will be the first of such situation in recorded history. The increase in the population of older people isn’t waiting for 2050. It is happening day by day.

Nigeria, the most populated African country, is not exempted, despite the fact that the older persons here are treated with deathly neglect. This deserves every concern. There are millions of neglected older (retired) persons in Nigeria – neglected by family, neglected by government, neglected, even by faith-based establishments.

If there are policies for their lives’ welfare after active years, everyone in power to implement such, seemingly uses that policy for floormats. The utter neglect daily deepens the intensity of challenges already stalling the country’s advancement.

What We Do Work


We work to enshrine the welfare of older persons all around, providing for their all-round well-being.

Fitness & Socialness

We work to promote social and physical exercises, enabling the older persons to socialize among themselves, and with the young.


We work to advance policies for the needs of older persons and vulnerable persons in a holistic manner, enabling them to live active, dignified and healthier lives.


We work to sensitize individuals, governments, corporate bodies, etc, of the needs of the older persons; and for the development of our societies.

Finances & Legacies

We work to set up and encourage systems that support financial inclusion and financial decision making of older persons, including advising on, and advancing their succession plans.


We work to provide for platforms where the older persons can be instrumental to enriching the lives of the young and growing, helping revitalize and inculcate vanishing values and cultures.


We work to preserve (and when approved, publish) memories, histories, nuggety harvests of older persons through the use of media/multimedia, prints, etc.

SunnierSides For SDGs SDGs

Joining hands with the UN on “leaving no one behind”, The SunnierSides Foundation works and ensures that the daily worsening act of “leaving the older persons behind” ceases to be the practice of individuals and governments, especially in Nigeria. We committedly pursue the actualization of 7 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) out of the UN outlined 17.  To contribute towards transforming our world(s), we pursue the actualization of the following SDGs –

  • No Poverty
  • Zero Hunger
  • Good Health and Well-being
  • Quality Education
  • Reduced Inequality
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Partnerships to achieve the Goals

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Get In Touch

You are very welcome to reach out to us.

  • phone+234 806 045 6479
  • +234 803 875 3972

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